Capture, Track & Analyse Asset Data as Never before

Get real-time tracking, data accuracy through QR codes, and detailed insights for proactive asset management and compliance.

Streamline Asset Management in One End-to-End Platform

Take asset management to the next level with advanced tracking and monitoring. Designed to provide precise data and seamless collaboration, our system enables you to manage assets efficiently and get accurate asset data.

Enhanced Data Accuracy with QR Codes

Utilise unlimited QR codes for precise asset tracking. Each asset is tagged with a unique QR code, ensuring accurate data collection and easy access to detailed information, improving overall management efficiency.
Integrated assessment & Control

Connected Risk Assessment and Control Regime

Integrate risk assessments with control regimes in one platform. This connection allows for continuous monitoring and ensures that all identified risks are promptly addressed, enhancing compliance and safety.

Make Better Decisions with Advanced Trend Analyses

Monitor asset performance and predict potential issues. This proactive approach allows for timely maintenance and replacement, preventing failures and ensuring uninterrupted operations.

What sets us apart?

The end-to-end expert water safety software to help you perform control measures, keep records, fix technical recommendations, and manage all estates within one digital platform.


Tasks Completed


Assets Inspected


Buildings Managed


Active Users


Time Saved

GMS Uses Software to Streamline their Risk Assessment Process

"The best thing is that 95% of every risk analysis is captured and completed on-site, which means our risk assessors spend much less time in the office."
GMS's Story
Carl Ollerton GMS Services


Time Saved per
Risk Assessment

Take control of your water safety today!

Schedule a demo with LegionellaDossier and discover how you can streamline Legionella control, ensure compliance, and protect your assets.