Schiphol partnership Legionelladossier
Eurofins integration LegionellaDossier
KPMG partnership LegionellaDossier
University of Groningen integration LegionellaDossier

Fully automated temperature checks, 24/7 insights

Say goodbye to manual temperature checks with remote monitoring sensors and never miss a non-compliance!

Sensor Overview Graphs

Automate tasks & keeping records

Save up to 80% of your time. Automatically perform temperature checks, spot unused outlets and non-compliances, and keep records in a digital logbook. Ensure safe & compliant buildings.

Censor and Graph Pipe
Remote L8 monitoring water temperature sensors

Work more sustainable

Our sensors detect assets in use so you don't have to flush them unnecessarily. This saves up to 158 gallons per outlet per year


Experience the benefits yourself!

Ensure correct, accurate readings

With remote monitoring sensors, you can measure every pipe, of every size accurately. Easily attach the Clip'R sensor to the piping or wrap our Strap'R around it. After installation, you only have to calibrate once every year.

remote monitoring sensors
LegionellaDossier Control

Use insights in compliance data

Use reliable data across systems in real-time. Get dashboards that give insights into non-compliances, sampling, temperature checks and more. LegionellaDossiers' dataset gives you full context on your compliance status.

Get a clear, concise overview

All estates, obligations, tasks and compliance in one dashboard. Assign tasks to colleagues or service providers. And get notifications when tasks need to be performed.



Experience the benefits yourself!


Digitise your Risk Assessments

Turn risk assessments into live documents and make them the blueprint of your control scheme. Complete, compliant reports according to LCA guidelines.

Collaborate closely with service providers

Add service providers to your estates so you keep control and they can perform and record their tasks such as risk assessments, sampling, cold water storage tanks inspections and more.

Team and App


Experience the benefits yourself!