Protecting students, educators and staff

Enhance Water Safety Standards For Educational Estates

Ensure a safe and compliant environment for staff and students. Get full control on water safety with our end-to-end expert software.

Healthcare Water Safety Software

Managing Water Safety in Educational Institutions

Educational institutions face unique challenges in maintaining water safety standards across sprawling campuses and diverse facilities. Ensuring compliance with regulations and safeguarding student health requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach. With LegionellaDossier, you have access to all the tools necessary to effectively manage water safety and work together closely with service providers.

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Gain Actionable Insights Into Campuses And Facilities

Our platform provides actionable insights tailored for educational settings, enabling facility managers and health & safety teams to make informed decisions. With real-time data analytics and predictive modeling, schools and universities can proactively address water safety risks and prioritise student well-being.

Popular Features

Effective Collaboration In One Digital Platform

LegionellaDossier facilitates seamless collaboration between educational institutions and service providers. Whether it's conducting Legionella risk assessments or implementing remedial actions, our platform ensures efficient communication and coordination to address water safety concerns promptly.

Popular Features

Streamline Workflows for Efficient Water Safety Management

By streamlining task forces and workflows, we empower educational institutions to optimise resource allocation and enhance productivity. From scheduling routine maintenance tasks to managing compliance documentation, LegionellaDossier simplifies complex processes, allowing estate teams to focus on their core responsibilities.

Popular Features

Automate And Enhance Water Safety With Sensors

Our platform reduces the workload of estates teams and facility managers with automation and IoT sensors. By automating routine tasks and monitoring processes, such as water quality checks and temperature monitoring, LegionellaDossier minimises manual intervention and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements, thereby creating a safer environment for students and staff alike.

Popular Features

What sets us apart?

The end-to-end expert water safety software to help you perform control measures, keep records, fix technical recommendations, and manage all estates within one digital platform.


Tasks completed by service providers and duty holders to keep water safe


Assets inspected during Legionella risk assessments with our mobile apps


Buildings actively serviced with LegionellaDossiers' software and solutions.


Daily active users using our apps to ensure safe and healthy water for everybody

Everything You Need in One Platform

Ensure compliance end-to-end. Made for service providers and duty holders.

Asset Registers

Improve asset management with complete asset registers.

Mobile Apps

Use apps to perform tasks and create risk assessments.

Task Scheduler

Assign and schedule all tasks related to water safety.

Job Reports

Generate complete job reports after completing tasks.


Never miss a non-compliance or a task with notifications and alerts.


Get actionable insights into water safety compliance.

Bluetooth Probes

Perform temperature checks with bluetooth thermometers.

IoT Sensors

Automate flushing and temperature checks with monitoring sensors.


Let stakeholders collaborate closely together in one platform.

Get Full Control On Water Safety Activities

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Frequently Asked Questions