City Council Bunschoten

"We're now certain Legionella control is getting done right"

- Roel Meurs

City Council Bunschoten partnership LegionellaDossier

Legionella control used to be an inaccurate and unreliable process

Bunschoten Town Council owns a lot of buildings, ranging from its town hall and harbour offices to its fire station and a day care. It’s responsible for the safety of all these buildings’ drinking water supplies. For years, the buildings’ users had been performing the Legionella tests themselves. Needless to say, this was never a particularly accurate or reliable process. That was until Roel Meurs, the town council’s building supervisor, discovered LegionellaDossier and all too gladly took back full responsibility, ‘We’re now certain it’s getting done and getting done right!

Roel used to work at a housing corporation that provided care homes for the elderly. It was there that he learned about the necessity for sound Legionella control practices. Now he’s working for Bunschoten town council and is still taking these measures very seriously.

‘According to the Drinking Water Directive, we’ve only got one site that qualifies as a priority location, and that’s our harbour office where we provide shower facilities for harbour visitors. Technically speaking, we’re only required to exercise duty of due care for our other buildings and amenities but in practice we treat them all as priority locations. Using LegionellaDossier, we currently monitor twelve buildings, ensuring their safety.’

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No more fiddling the system

Roel has been delegating certain tasks to the town hall’s caretaker and a member of his field staff since he took back responsibility for the council’s Legionella prevention & control measures. He estimates that it takes him 30% less time than it used to take the buildings’ users.

But for Roel this isn’t even the most important issue, ‘The greatest benefit is that the app automatically records all the readings straight away. What used to happen would be that someone would forget to take readings for six months and then make up entries retrospectively. That’s not possible anymore. Fiddling the system is simply no longer possible. The date and time someone takes a reading are automatically logged. We’re now certain it’s getting done and getting done right!’

Clear & concise

‘Our digital dossier not only logs all our management and control measures and readings but also all the lab results for the water samples and return valve inspections that our consultancy firm performs. Everything’s clearly and concisely recorded for all our buildings in a single dossier. No more handwritten sign-off sheets lying around a dozen or so different locations. It gives us total control but is also really useful for the regulatory authorities. They can now see at a single glance that we’ve fulfilled all our obligations and duties.

We’ve been threatened with fines on the odd occasion – before we were using LegionellaDossier – because audits revealed we hadn’t performed or documented certain tasks properly. That’s a thing of the past now!’

Gemeenten Bunschoten partnership LegionellaDossier

Adding new buildings quickly & easily

Another major benefit of using LegionellaDossier is that Roel can add new buildings to the system quickly and easily.

‘We recently built a new fire station and workshop. It was so easy adding the new buildings’ risk assessments and management plans to the system. Doing so takes into account all the buildings’ draw-off points and prevention & control measures. Click the new site in LegionellaDossier, and you see at a glance exactly what you need to do and when.’

Roel is also responsible for the harbour office. He visits the site every week and takes temperature readings at all the draw-off points using his tablet and a Bluetooth thermometer. According to Roel, ‘It’s a piece of cake.’

‘LegionellaDossier is backed by a comprehensive network of partners, consultants and installation companies. All in all, a formidable team and highly reassuring. Countless companies and organisations with obligations and duties under the Drinking Water Directive use this solution. Why reinvent the wheel when there’s a perfectly good solution available that’s already been tried and tested?’


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