Clear, Concise Overview, Ensuring All Tasks are Visible

Say goodbye to a lack of a centralised view, which makes it challenging to understand all scheduled and pending tasks.

Tasks Overview LegionellaDossier ORG

Quickly Schedule Tasks by using Filters

Filter tasks based on specific criteria, such as clients, buildings, status, or task types, streamlining the planning process and making planning a lot easier for everyone involved.

Calendar Tasks Entry


Experience the benefits yourself!

Calendar Tasks

Improve Resource Allocation and Communication

View the availability of staff members in a glimpse by checking their work status in real-time. Facilitate task scheduling and optimise resource allocation, ensuring seamless communication between planners, staff managers, engineers, and even end users.


Buildings actively managed


Active users


Tasks completed

Dates and Tasks Entry

Recurring Servicing and Maintenance Contracts

Schedule servicing and maintenance jobs for weeks and months in advance. Ensuring resources have been allocated, giving full control over your yearly, monthly, weekly and daily planning.

Keep Engineers on Schedule with the LD-Control App

The app facilitates real-time communication between schedulers and engineers. It enables automated task creation in the app of the field staff about new jobs. Additionally, the app serves as a valuable tool for monitoring an engineer's live job status. Upon the completion of on-site work and the engineer syncing their app, schedulers can view the job completion in the building dashboard.

Tasks Overview LegionellaDossier ORG

Download the info sheet on digitising Legionella Control

Legionella control doesn't have to be complex, involving labour-intensive procedures, time-consuming paperwork and repetitive tasks, such as temperature checks.

Manage buildings, maintain documents and perform tasks while remaining compliant.

Take Control of Legionella


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Our compelling solutions

Our risk assessment module is one part of our complete water safety platform, ensuring safety and compliance for organisations. Each product is a powerful solution on its own, and together they work even better.